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Guide to Using Injectable Steroids and Precautions


ml: Milliliter, a unit of volume. 1000 milliliters (ml) = 1 liter (L)

mm: Millimeter, a unit of length. 1000 millimeters (mm) = 100 centimeters (cm) = 1 meter (m)

Φ: Diameter, unit symbol, for example, Φ0.3 indicates a diameter of 0.3 millimeters.

Example: Φ0.6 25mm indicates a needle with a diameter of 0.6mm and a length of 25mm (metal part only).

two、Packaging and Specifications:

VialsAmpoulesoften come in 5ml or 10ml sizes. Can be reused after disinfection.come in 1ml, 2ml, 5ml, 10ml sizes. Single-use only after opening.

three、Syringes and Needles:

               Universal syringeUniversal needle

four、Injection Sites:

ShoulderShoulder:Deltoid muscle, middle section.Insert needle at a 90-degree angle to the skin.

ThighThigh:Outer upper part of the quadriceps muscle.Insert needle at a 90-degree angle to the skin.

ButtocksButtocks:Gluteus maximus, outer middle part.Insert needle at a 90-degree angle to the skin

five、Disinfection Process:

Thoroughly clean hands and the injection site before injection.

Wipe the injection site repeatedly with alcohol or iodine.

Allow the site to air dry or use sterile gauze to dry.

six、Drawing the Solution:

VialsAmpoulesFor repeated use, clean the rubber stopper with alcohol before drawingFlick the syringe to release air bubbles, then push the plunger up to remove them.


one、Ensure the injection environment is clean, sanitary, and tidy. Strictly follow the disinfection process before injecting.

two、Follow the principle of "two fasts and one slow:

Insert the needle quickly, withdraw the needle quickly, and inject the solution slowly.

three、After the needle is in the skin, pull back the plunger slightly to check for blood:

f there is no blood, proceed with the injection.

If blood appears, stop, change the injection site, and try again.

four、Press the site to stop bleeding after the injection, or apply an ice pack for 3-5 minutes.

Avoid getting the injection site wet for at least 4 hours.;
five、For vials, disinfect the rubber stopper with alcohol before each use.
six、Ampoules should be used up immediately after opening; do not store or reuse.

seven、Steroids are often oil-based and may form lumps at the injection site. 

Apply a warm compress to reduce swelling if necessary.

eijht、If injections are frequent, alternate injection sites between the left and right sides of the body to avoid inflammation and lumps.

nine、When injecting into the same body part frequently, ensure the injection point is at least 5mm away from the previous injection site to avoid inflammation and lump formation.;

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